Commercial Services & Supplies

FNArena Windows (Sectors)

Introduction to FNArena Windows

FNArena Windows offers subscribers the option to investigate ASX-listed stocks against their peers. FNArena developed its own sector methodology which in our view overcomes many flaws and disadvantages connected with GICS sectors. Our system starts with three broad sector labels: COMMODITIES, FINANCIAL SERVICES and INDUSTRIALS. From here onwards subscribers can explore further through gradually narrowing branches. This is not investment advice, but simply another window on the Australian Stock Exchange to provide better insight and to assist FNArena subscribers while conducting their own market analysis.

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360 LIFE360 INC $21.44 $27.18 $12.01 37.4




AD8 AUDINATE GROUP LIMITED $6.61 $21.41 $6.10




AIZ AIR NEW ZEALAND LIMITED $0.58 $0.58 $0.47 12.5

ALC ALCIDION GROUP LIMITED $0.08 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
ALQ ALS LIMITED $15.52 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
AMC AMCOR PLC $15.12 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
ANN ANSELL LIMITED $33.99 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
APX APPEN LIMITED $1.10 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
AQZ APPEN LIMITED $2.70 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
ASB AUSTAL LIMITED $4.05 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
ATA ATTURRA LIMITED $0.80 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
AZJ AURIZON HOLDINGS LIMITED $3.10 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
BMT AURIZON HOLDINGS LIMITED $0.23 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
BTH BIGTINCAN HOLDINGS LIMITED $0.21 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
BXB BRAMBLES LIMITED $20.55 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
CDA CODAN LIMITED $16.11 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
CLG CODAN LIMITED $0.09 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
COS CODAN LIMITED $0.81 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
CVL CODAN LIMITED $0.92 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
CWY CLEANAWAY WASTE MANAGEMENT LIMITED $2.64 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
CXL CLEANAWAY WASTE MANAGEMENT LIMITED $0.41 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
CYG COVENTRY GROUP LIMITED $1.04 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DDR DICKER DATA LIMITED $8.21 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DGL DGL GROUP LIMITED $0.50 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DGT DGL GROUP LIMITED $3.50 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DOC DOCTOR CARE ANYWHERE GROUP PLC $0.08 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DOW DOWNER EDI LIMITED $5.43 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DRO DRONESHIELD LIMITED $0.98 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DSE DROPSUITE LIMITED $5.75 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DTL DATA#3 LIMITED. $7.23 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DUG DUG TECHNOLOGY LIMITED $1.10 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
DUR DURATEC LIMITED $1.76 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
EGL ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP LIMITED $0.23 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
ERD EROAD LIMITED $0.87 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
EVS ENVIROSUITE LIMITED $0.08 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
FCL FINEOS CORPORATION HOLDINGS PLC $1.98 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
FLC FLUENCE CORPORATION LIMITED $0.06 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
FPR FLEETPARTNERS GROUP LIMITED $2.72 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
GTK GENTRACK GROUP LIMITED $9.63 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
HSN HANSEN TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED $5.00 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
IKE IKEGPS GROUP LIMITED $0.76 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
IPG IPD GROUP LIMITED $3.54 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
IPH IPH LIMITED $4.53 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
IRI INTEGRATED RESEARCH LIMITED $0.39 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
KLS KELSIAN GROUP LIMITED $2.72 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
KYP KINATICO LIMITED $0.17 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
LAU LINDSAY AUSTRALIA LIMITED $0.70 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
MAD MADER GROUP LIMITED $5.50 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
MAQ MADER GROUP LIMITED $68.00 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
MMS MCMILLAN SHAKESPEARE LIMITED $14.23 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
MP1 MEGAPORT LIMITED $10.71 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
NXL MEGAPORT LIMITED $3.24 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
NXT NEXTDC LIMITED $13.05 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
OCL OBJECTIVE CORPORATION LIMITED $15.23 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
ORA ORORA LIMITED $1.98 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
QAN QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED $9.35 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
QOR QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED $0.43 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
QUB QUBE HOLDINGS LIMITED $3.88 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
RDX REDOX LIMITED $2.85 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
RDY READYTECH HOLDINGS LIMITED $2.60 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
RKN RECKON LIMITED $0.49 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SDR SITEMINDER LIMITED $4.70 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SGF SG FLEET GROUP LIMITED $3.46 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SIQ SMARTGROUP CORPORATION LIMITED $7.26 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SKO SERKO LIMITED $3.50 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SLH SILK LOGISTICS HOLDINGS LIMITED $1.42 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SLX SILEX SYSTEMS LIMITED $4.01 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SPZ SMART PARKING LIMITED $0.70 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SRV SERVCORP LIMITED $5.41 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SSM SERVCORP LIMITED $1.77 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
STG SERVCORP LIMITED $0.43 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
SYL SERVCORP LIMITED $1.83 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
THL TOURISM HOLDINGS LIMITED $1.65 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
TNE TECHNOLOGY ONE LIMITED $28.70 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
VEE TECHNOLOGY ONE LIMITED $0.97 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
VGL VISTA GROUP INTERNATIONAL LIMITED $3.44 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
VNT VENTIA SERVICES GROUP LIMITED $4.07 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
WTC WISETECH GLOBAL LIMITED $85.18 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
XRO XERO LIMITED $160.00 $xx.xx $xx.xx xx.x xx.xx
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